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Crazy Moon, Jeong’s experimental single-channel video installation with four monitors, shows a moon dancing in a line or arc that defines itself in relation to the center created by the monitors’ display. For this work, Jeong shot a full moon at night and then edited the image with the software program Final Cut Pro. To create the dancing image, Jeong herself danced with the camera while shooting the moon. It is easy to think of the moon as an overwhelmingly romantic image, in Asian painting as well as Western art; the experience of Jeong’s moon links it to these traditions of painting, despite the fact it is a video work. The moon on its travels creates many kinds of shapes, the result of its flight across the screen. The monitors approximate the sky, although in a thoroughly non-natural manner. Again we find the ideas of being and seeming beautifully implied in Jeong’s imagination; she attempts on a regular basis to join the poetic to the electronic. Both conditions delineate a shared reality, in which technology exists to transform the artwork whose image is based upon nature. Jeong speaks to our increasing dependence on digital electronics, which artificially influence―even to an extent control–our environment.
Jonathan Goodman
-Transcribe a passage from the critique of the seventh solo exhibition